New Rocket Thruster Added to Wynncraft (Non-Mythic Archer)

Описание к видео New Rocket Thruster Added to Wynncraft (Non-Mythic Archer)
WynnBuilder build:
Old Keeper's Ring
Air in a Can [w6a6w6]
I have a second Ingress in my inventory which I swap with Old Keeper's Ring in the boss (since Greed is not useful in the boss due to a lack of minions).

Hotbar Slot 1: Talisman of the Valley: Takes away 40% of your current hp initially and restores 120% over 16 seconds. 90s cooldown. Useful healing trinket.
Hotbar Slot 2: Air in a Can (1 Jump Height)
Hotbar Slot 3: Air in a Can (5 Jump Height)
Hotbar Slot 4: Stinger [t6t6t6], Chain Lightning Offhand
Hotbar Slot 5: Vision of the Past: Heals 20% of your total hp if you find the spot within 10s (it randomly chooses a spot in a small radius around you when first right clicked) or takes away 20% of your total hp (if you fail to find the spot). 30s cooldown. Useful healing trinket.

This build is pretty good but if you want more consistent TNA runs, I would recommend one of these builds below instead.

Rainbow Air in a Can (Can Switch OKR for Intensity):
Revenant EWFA Air in a Can:
Non-Mythic EWFA Air in a Can:
Storm Bomb EWFA Air in a Can:

So, Air in a Can is a pretty cool and good bow. It is the first jump height bow in the game. It also has -1st% and stealing % (compatible with the Greed Major ID) which makes it great for Boltslinger. Playing around with jump height + recoil is really fun. It does have one drawback though and that is the fact that it is an air bow.

I understand this is a relatively “hot take” especially since we are in an “air meta” (“walkspeed meta” would be more accurate) but let me preface my argument with: I don’t use consumables - including health potions. My “health potions” are trinkets: Talisman of the Valley and Vision of the Past. They are what I view as “balanced” (I think health potions are vastly overtuned and thus make the game unfun because they make the game too easy). The arguments below mostly don’t apply if you use health potions.

The main issue with air items is their lack of good items with Health Sustain. We have a very small selection of good items like Skidbladnir and Wanderlust but neither are Archer friendly (archer’s main issue being mana sustain). Health sustain is very prevalent on many good defense items by contrast. Health sustain is very important for Boltslinger since Boltslinger is close range and so non defense Boltslinger builds tend to be pretty inconsistent for TNA. In a previous video, I posted EWA Orange Lily and while that also doesn’t have any defense, notably it is Sharpshooter where defense is a lot less useful (note range and regular arrow shield) and it is also EW dominated due to the weapon, thus allowing for items like Elder Oak Roots, a strong EW legging with health sustain and mana regen. Air dominated builds can get some health sustain from other elements such as the build in this video which uses Aquamarine.

However, there is another issue and that is the fact that agility sucks. Since agility makes you take 90% less damage when it procs, that means when it doesn’t proc you will take a load of damage and need to regenerate it somehow. I mentioned that I don’t use consumables earlier because the obvious solution is to just pop a health potion when you get hit. Since I don’t have that, the next best thing is Greed and Greed is pretty much the saving grace of this build lol. Despite this, I still lose about 3-4x more raids on defenseless Air in a Can as opposed to EWFA Air in a Can, ETWFA Air in a Can, EWFA Briar’s Embrace, and so on. I honestly chose to showcase this build because I have never posted a Phantasmagoria build before whereas I have posted way too much rainbow (Freedom main moment) and I have shown two Ophiolite builds before.


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