樂施毅行者2013年宣傳片 feat. 《天連地》by RubberBand

Описание к видео 樂施毅行者2013年宣傳片 feat. 《天連地》by RubberBand

  / oxfamtrailhk  

「樂施毅行者」(舊稱「毅行者」) 原本是駐港啹喀兵的訓練活動,首屆在1981年舉行,1986年樂施會應邀合辦,並首次公開讓市民參加。1997年啹喀撤離香港,樂施會與其他服務機構合作主辦「毅行者」,自此成為本港最大規模的遠足籌款活動。近年更邁向國際,連同香港在內,今年將有11個國家共16個地點舉行「樂施毅行者」,包括澳洲(布里斯班、墨爾本、悉尼)、比利時、英國(南部、北部)、法國、德國、印度班加羅爾、愛爾蘭、日本、紐西蘭及西班牙,以及今年首次舉辦的澳洲柏斯及印度孟買。

「樂施毅行者」一直以來都得到各界大力支持,包括逾3,000名來自香港政府紀律部隊及制服團體的義工、逾45,000名捐款者,以及逾4,000名支援隊隊員。單在香港,自1986年以來,「樂施毅行者」已有77,000多名參加者,為這項活動合共籌得超過港幣3億9千3百萬元。今年的籌款目標為港幣 3千萬元,全數用於樂施會推行各項扶貧救災及倡議工作,為不同地域、性別的貧窮人改善生活。

Oxfam Trailwalker (previously named 'Trailwalker') began in Hong Kong in 1981 as a Gurkha-led training for the army -- only soldiers, and only men, joined. In 1986, Oxfam Hong Kong was invited to co-organise the event and in the same year the event was open to the public. Along with the retreat of Gurkhas in 1997, Oxfam Hong Kong took over the event. Through the years, Oxfam Trailwalker has become one of the largest fundraising hiking events in Hong Kong. This year, it is also held in 16 cities in 11 countries (including Hong Kong) in Australia (Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney), Belgium, England (South Downs, Yorkshire Dales), France, Germany, India (Bangalore), Ireland, Japan, New Zealand and Spain. The event was held in Perth, Australia and Mumbai, India for the first time this year.

Behind Oxfam Trailwalker is also a vast group of supporters -- over 3,000 volunteers (including those from disciplinary forces in Hong Kong), 45,000 donors and 4,000 support team members. Since 1986, over 77,000 Oxfam Trailwalkers have raised over HK$393 million to support Oxfam's various poverty alleviation and emergency relief projects in Africa and Asia, including Hong Kong and Mainland China. The fundraising target of Oxfam Trailwalker 2013 is HK$30 million.


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