
Описание к видео #Madhyamik

Here I have made suggestion for the students of class 10 (Madhyamik) of 2021.Here i have given the suggestions from writing skill. Writing skill in class 10 or Madhyamik is very vast. There are paragraphs, notice, dialogue,biography,, Processing, letter to editor, letter to friend, letter to H.M.,formal and imformal letter etc. so it is very difficult to read all items for a student. suggested questions are ok, but there is no substitute for a- z reading. A student gets good marks, if he read the all items throughly.

To help the students, I have built a website
Kaushik Pandit Tutorials Joyful Learning

A blogger platform to help the students of English

The url of the site is--https://www.kaushikpandit.in/

Students may visit this site to knoe better abot their subject.


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