Business Chinese | Interviewing for a Job in Mandarin Chinese | Linus the Taiwanese

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Business Chinese | Interviewing for a Job in Mandarin Chinese | Linus the Taiwanese

If you’re looking for a job in a Chinese-speaking country, there’s a good chance you’ll have to interview for it. However, you might not know what exactly your interviewer is going to ask you.
Let’s check out the kinds of questions you might be asked during a Chinese-language interview so you can prepare for your own.
#Mandarin #Chinese #business #office #interview #job

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0:00 Introduction
0:39 參加 to join, to participate
面試 interview
工作面試 job interview

1. 0:44 請你簡單自我介紹一下/请你简单自我介绍一下
Please briefly introduce yourself
0:59 簡單 briefly
自我介紹 self-introduction; tp introduce oneself
1:03 身高 height
體重 weight
1:09 __呢 as for __
1:14 簡短 to be short and simple
1:21 就讀 to study at
市立 municipal

2. 1:28 你的期望薪資是多少?/你的期望薪资是多少?
What is your expected salary?
1:43 期望 to expect
薪資/薪水 salary
1:45 依公司規定 according to company regulations
勞工 worker
遵守 to comply with
勞基法 labor law
1:50 起薪 starting salary
According to Taiwan's labor laws, the minimum
salary in NT$24,000 (about US$800).
1:53 乞丐 beggar

3. 1:55 你為什麼會想來我們公司?/
Why do you want to work for this company?
2:12 貴司 a polite way to say "your company" (similar
to 貴姓 being a polite way to say "your name")
2:20 打擾 to bother

4. 2:29 給我一個理由雇用你/给我一个理由雇用你
Give me a reason why I should hire you.
2:43 理由 reason
雇用 to hire
2:45 可愛 to be cute
漂亮 to be pretty
體貼 to be considerate
2:48 貢獻 contribution
2:51 同事 coworker
a prover which means "to find the scenery pleasing
to both the eyes and mind"
有效率 to be efficient
2:56 決定 to decide

5. 3:02 你覺得你是一個什麼樣的人?/
What kind of person do you think you are?
3:19 樂觀向上 to be positive
積極進取 to be proactive
學習力 learning ability
認真 to be serious, to be hardworking
負責 to be responsible
擅(長) to be good at
溝通 communication
協調 negotiation
3:29 to be average

6. 3:34 你希望你十年後是什麼樣子?/
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
3:49 樣子 look, appearance
3:55 環遊世界 to travel around the world
豪宅 mansion
跑車 sports car
養 to raise (a baby/an animal)
小狗 puppy
4:01 峇里島 Bali
舉辦 to hold (an activity)
海島 island
婚禮 wedding
4:06 方面 aspect
期許 expectation


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