How Animals help us | Uses of Animals | Ways in which animals help Humans | Things animals give us

Описание к видео How Animals help us | Uses of Animals | Ways in which animals help Humans | Things animals give us

How Animals help us | Uses of Animals | Ways in which animals help Humans | Things animals give us


How Are Animals Useful To Humans? List out 10 Useful Animals To Humans
Animals are very important for human existence. This unique creature serves clothing, food, medicine and many more economic needs

Listed below are the top ten useful animals for humans.

Camels, horse ad elephants are the most useful for transportation.

Dog, cat, horse, sheep, goat and cattle among the most useful domesticated animals.

Camels, horse and donkeys are among the most useful animals in carrying heavy loads.

Other than the territorial animals, there are many aquatic creatures that are very helpful to humans.

Cattles provide us with milk and other milk products which are a rich source of vitamins and calcium.

Other than the food, fishes also produce fish oil, manure, glue and also it has an important medicinal value.

Animals maintain the equilibrium by predating on different plants and animals to balance their population on earth.

Animal droppings are a source of fertilizer. The dead animals decay and act as supplement minerals for other animals.

Chickens are the most common domestic animals, which provide us with meat and eggs are the major sources of protein.

Sheep are one of the most versatile among all domesticated animals. Sheep are well known for wool and its milk for many medicinal values.

Animals are useful to us in many ways.

Many animals such as ox and bullock are used to plough the field.

Donkey, camel and many other animals are used to carry loads from one place to other especially in villages.

Animals like cows, buffaloes, goats provide us milk.

We get eggs from hen and duck.

Sheep are reared for wool and silkworm for silk. Woolen clothes that we wear are made of wool. Clothes are also made of silk.

Animals like dogs guard our houses and are good companion of human beings.
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