SC2 Co-Op Rifts to Korhal ▏ "Hostile Takeover" Arcturus Mengsk Play [Prestige : Toxic Tyrant]

Описание к видео SC2 Co-Op Rifts to Korhal ▏ "Hostile Takeover" Arcturus Mengsk Play [Prestige : Toxic Tyrant]

Difficulty : Brutal

Prestige - Advantage : Contaminated Strike's fear lasts 200% longer, its damage-over-time effect additionally increases damage received by 25%, its cost is reduced by 20%, and its cooldown is reduced by 66%
Troopers provide Imperial Support while operating Earthsplitter Ordnance

Prestige - Disadvantage : Nuclear Annihilation is unavailable

Weekly Mutation : Hostile Takeover

Hope You Enjoy My Video!


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