Mediaeval Baebes: Personent Hodie

Описание к видео Mediaeval Baebes: Personent Hodie

Taken from the album 'MydWynter'
Album available here:
Tickets to Mediaeval Baebes MydWynter tour available here:

Words: 16th Century Latin
Arrangement: Katharine Blake

Video directed by Amanda Burns, Katharine Blake

Edited by Katharine Blake, Michael J York
Director of photography: Amanda Burns with additional filming by Michael J York
Prop design by Nichole Sleet
Production consultant: Tristan Alice Nieto

Katharine Blake
Clare Edmondson
Fiona Fey
Marie Findley
Ruth Galloway
Sophia Halberstam
Maya McCourt
Anna Pool
Josephine Ravenheart
Milica Keckarovski
Irena Matović

Bagpipes: Michael J York
Lyre, zither: Charlie Cawood
Hurdy-gurdy: Joel Turk
William Summers: Crumhorns
Cittern: Frank Moon
Drum: Ben Woollocott
Percussion: Katharine Blake

Produced by Katharine Blake
Engineered by Katharine Blake, Rob Toulson, Paul Thompson, Slaviša Repac
Mixed and mastered by Rob Toulson at RT Sixty

Thanks to: David Ryder-Prangley, Ewan King, Jan Noble

Personent hodie
voces puerulae,
laudantes iucunde
qui nobis est natus,
summo Deo datus,
Et de virgineo ventre procreatus.

In mundo nascitur,
pannis involvitur
praesepi ponitur
stabulo brutorum,
rector supernorum.
Perdidit spolia princeps infernorum.

Magi tres venerunt,
parvulum inquirunt,
Bethlehem adeunt,
stellulam sequendo,
ipsum adorando,
Aurum, thus, et myrrham ei offerendo.

Omnes clericuli,
pariter pueri,
cantent ut angeli:
advenisti mundo,
laudes tibi fundo.
Ideo gloria in excelsis Deo


Let resound today
the voices of children,
joyfully praising
Him who ys born to us,
given by most high God,
and conceived in a virginal womb.

He was born into the world,
wrapped in swaddling clothes,
and laid in a manger
in a stable for animals,
the master of the heavens.
The prince of Hell has lost his spoils.

Three Magi came,
they were bearing gifts,
and sought the little one,
following a star,
to worship him,
and offer him gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Let all the junior clerics
and also the boys
syng like angels:
"You have come to the world,
I pour out praises to you.
Therefore, glory to God in the highest!"


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