How To Set Up A Receiving Inspection

Описание к видео How To Set Up A Receiving Inspection

A receiving inspection occurs before production when 'inputs' (components, raw materials, services) are checked for quality.
This helps you to both qualify component/material suppliers and start the QA process early before you conduct pre-shipment inspections such as a DUPRO or FRI. It should prevent the scenario of putting 'garbage in, and getting garbage out.'

This video takes you through the 5 considerations you need to take into account to set up a successful receiving inspection:
1. A set of requirements (checklists, approved samples for comparison, examples of common defects…)
2. A way to focus on the most important criteria
3. A procedure to follow, step by step
4. A way to report findings and help with traceability
5. A way to drive improvement in the supplier base, when needed

You'll learn what's required for these 5 setup considerations and start running your own incoming quality inspections on your inputs!

You can read more in the accompanying blog post:

Want the slides? Read them here:


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