祢是我家 (You Are My Home)│New Creation Worship

Описание к видео 祢是我家 (You Are My Home)│New Creation Worship

This song tells the story of a person who sought fulfilment through many things in life, but who finally concludes that Jesus is his redemption and hope.

The song was first presented at our English services on Sunday, 21 August 2016. It was specially written by New Creation Worship for our Mid-Autumn Celebration on Saturday, 3 September 2016.

Available on our Chinese album 仰望 (Behold):
iTunes & Apple Music | http://bit.ly/beholditunes
Spotify | http://bit.ly/beholdspotify
Amazon | http://bit.ly/beholdamazon

小时听了个故事, 听说有一个地方
I heard a story when I was a child, that there's a place
是个辉煌灿烂, 温心的港湾
It's a glorious and warm refuge
走在生活的路程, 满了生命的伤痕
On this journey of life, after experiencing hurts
Memories of that refuge come to mind

As I grew up, I realised how dark an aimless life can be
Home is the only hope and bright future
漂泊了天南地北, 飞过了千山万水
I’ve travelled far and wide
Only to find that happiness is found in family

祢是我家, 我亲, 祢给了我信心
You're my family, You’ve given me faith
在黑暗中, 如北极星
In my darkness, You’re my Northern Star
Who saved and guided me out of darkness
滴滴血汗, 为了爱,
You shed Your blood because of love
And ransomed me from all my debts
With a grateful heart, I can only worship You

耶稣我的力量, 爱我坚贞不渝
Jesus, my strength, You love me unceasingly
恩克服了邪恶, 因祢为我捨己
Grace overcame evil, because You gave Your all
耶稣我的救主, 承担一切病疾
Jesus, my Saviour, You bore all diseases
仁爱战胜卑劣, 创出幸福结局
Love conquered wickedness, my life is blessed forever

滴滴血汗, 为了爱,
You shed Your blood because of love
And ransomed me from all my debts
With a grateful heart, I can only worship You

© 2016 New Creation Worship

#youaremyhome #祢是我家#newcreationworship #nccsg


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