My Golden Life | 황금빛 내인생 – Ep 46 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND /2018.2.24]

Описание к видео My Golden Life | 황금빛 내인생 – Ep 46 [SUB : ENG,CHN,IND /2018.2.24]

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My Golden Life ep 46
☞ Hearing that Chairman Noh has collapsed, everyone in the family of Haeseong except for Jaesung rushes to the hospital including Dogyeong. Dogyeong finds out that the reason Chairman Noh collapsed is because of his text message and decides to go back to Haeseong. After finding out that he has been imagining having cancer, Taesu thinks back on his family's love for him. Meanwhile, articles about suspicion regarding Jian, Jisu and Haeseong are spread throughout the media.听到鲁会长昏倒的消息,除了载星以外的海星家族全都聚到医院,涛京接到闵部长的电话也迅速赶往医院。听闻鲁会长是看到涛京发来的短信后昏倒的,纷纷追问涛京是否真心想离开海星,明煕把有关海星家族的绯闻讲给了涛京。泰秀得知自己患的是想象癌症,重新回顾亲人们对自己的关爱。尽管智秀也说涛京有可能不回来,智安却坚信涛京还会回来。然而这一天涛京离开了合租公寓,作为海星时装的总经理正式上班……

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