Release Your Grip

Описание к видео Release Your Grip


Comfort's embrace, a familiar hold
But change whispers stories untold
Break free from the chains of yesterday
A new world awaits, just a breath away

Release your grip, watch horizons grow
A different world starts to show
In empty spaces, new chances bloom
When you dare to leave your room

Old habits cling, like shadows at night
But in letting go, we find our light
Each step forward, a new adventure calls
Beyond the safety of our walls

Release your grip, watch horizons grow
A different world starts to show
In empty spaces, new chances bloom
When you dare to leave your room

In moments of stillness, we come alive
Shedding the old, we learn to thrive
In the space between what was and could be
We discover who we're meant to be

Loosen your hold, feel yourself grow
A whole new world begins to show
In gaps and spaces, between the known
Unexpected chances have grown


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