Show cause and charge sheet (कारण बताओ नोटिस तथा आरोप पत्र)

Описание к видео Show cause and charge sheet (कारण बताओ नोटिस तथा आरोप पत्र)

Essentials of Charge- sheet
1 - Stating the Misconduct.

2 - Describing the misconduct by the name.

3 - Defining and understanding the misconduct.

4 - Mentioning the Sections of Applied Standing Orders and section of law.

5 - Substantive requirements of misconduct to be complied with.

6 - Charge's language must be Local only.

7 - Previous Record, if any

8 - Details of Time, Place and Person.

9 – Signed by competent person /Officer

10 - Serving of Charge Sheet.


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