World History Quiz

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Question 1 : Stavropol Krai and Volgograd Oblast are districts in which country?
Answer a: Brazil
Answer b: Germany
Answer c: Japan
Answer d: Russia

Question 2 : Who married Sarah Ferguson at Westminster Abbey in 1986?
Answer a: Prince Andrew
Answer b: Prince Philip
Answer c: Prince William
Answer d: Prince Charles

Question 3 : Rudolf Nureyev was famous in which field of the Arts?
Answer a: Ballet
Answer b: Opera
Answer c: Painting
Answer d: Sculpture

Question 4 : Silvio Berlusconi was a 20th century leader in which country?
Answer a: France
Answer b: Greece
Answer c: Italy
Answer d: Spain

Question 5 : Einstein emigrated to which country before WW2?
Answer a: Australia
Answer b: Canada
Answer c: New Zealand
Answer d: United States

Question 6 : The Inca Empire thrived in which mountain range?
Answer a: Alps
Answer b: Andes
Answer c: Atlas
Answer d: Himalayas

Question 7 : Idi Amin was the leader of which African country?
Answer a: Kenya
Answer b: Malawi
Answer c: Nigeria
Answer d: Uganda

Question 8 : In 1935, Amelia Earhart flew solo from Hawaii to which US state?
Answer a: California
Answer b: Illinois
Answer c: Texas
Answer d: Wyoming

Question 9 : Which Rockefeller was Gerald Ford's Vice President?
Answer a: Nathan
Answer b: Nelson
Answer c: Neil
Answer d: Nigel

Question 10 : Franz Ferdinand was heir to the throne of which Empire when assassinated?
Answer a: Austria-Hungary
Answer b: British
Answer c: Ottoman
Answer d: Russian

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