Tom Collins - Classic Cocktail

Описание к видео Tom Collins - Classic Cocktail

The Tom Collins has probably one of the most interesting Origin Stories of any Classic Cocktail. Most people know that the Tom Collins is a Gin Sour served in a tall glass topped with Soda water, but what people don't know is that it's associated with a terrible joke played on the people of New York in 1874. Here's how it went:
A man would approach his friend and ask, "Have you seen Tom Collins?"

"Why no!" the second man would say. "I have never made his acquaintance."

"Perhaps you had better do so, and as quick as you can, for he is talking about you in a very rough manner — calling you hard names, and convincing people there is nothing you wouldn't steal short of a red-hot stove."

This would upset the second man, who would stomp off to go looking for this rascal Tom Collins, upon getting to the bar the man would ask the bartender, "Do you know a man by the name Tom Collins who has been spreading all sorts of rumors here today?" The bartender would then reply that he did and would go get him, returning with the Tom Collins drink and serving it to the unsuspecting victim. It was sort of like a 1800's version of punked. Lame as it is, reports are that the practice was quite widespread and of course the drink has persisted since.

Here's the Specs:

2oz or 60ml Gin
.75oz or 20ml Simple Syrup
.75oz or 20ml Lemon Juice
Serve in a Collins Glass
Top with Soda Water
Garnish Lemon Peel and Cherry

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