The Magic of the Fraternitas Saturni

Описание к видео The Magic of the Fraternitas Saturni

This is Part Four in the series about the German magical order of the Fraternitas Saturni. I discuss the magical practices of the FS, including one of the sex magic rituals.


"Fraternitas Saturni", in: Wouter J. Hanegraaff: Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. Vol. I. Brill, Leiden 2005.

Hakl, Hans Thomas. "The Magical Order of the Fraternitas Saturni". In: Occultism in a global perspective. Edited by Henrik Bogdan and Gordan Djurdjevic, Durham 2013, p. 37-56, (ISBN 978-1844657162).

Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D, “The Fraternitas Saturni: History, Doctrine and Rituals of the Magical Order of the Brotherhood of Saturn”, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 2018.

Stephen E. Flowers, Ph.D, “Lords of the Left Hand Path: Forbidden Practices & Spiritual Heresies”, Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions, 1997, 2012.

Francis King, “Sexuality, Magic & Perversion”, Secaucus, NJ: The Citadel Press, 1971.


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