What is Dependency Injection?

Описание к видео What is Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is a common pattern in object oriented programming where the dependencies of your classes are supplied at construction time. This has several advantages, such as good separation of concerns, more modular code, and making your code easier to test. While the pattern can be used in isolation, it often gets associated with dependency injection frameworks such as Angular, Spring, .Net and libraries such as Guice and Dagger, which bring their own benefits and tradeoffs.

Learn more about dependency injection, where it comes from, its benefits, and the tradeoffs of dependency injection libraries.

0:00 - What is Dependency Injection?
0:55 - Inversion of Control
2:12 - Advantages
3:17 - Dependency Injection
3:46 - Glue Code
4:07 - Dependency Injection Frameworks
5:12 - Framework Tradeoffs


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