哪裡來又到哪裡去?敘利亞難民 / What’s Behind the Syrian Refugee Crisis?

Описание к видео 哪裡來又到哪裡去?敘利亞難民 / What’s Behind the Syrian Refugee Crisis?


More than a million refugees flooded across European borders in 2015, with the total reaching an estimated 3 million by the end of 2016, making this the most serious refugee crisis since the World War II. The country with the highest number of refugees during this worst refugee wave in history is Syria. The population of Syria was similar to that of Taiwan, but the country has lost nearly half its population since in 2011, when the eruption of civil war displaced them from their homes. Just how did the Syrian Civil War come about? Let’s take a look at this “Eyewoodness News” report.


About PTS Youth News
The truth can often be blurry in Taiwan as rational public debate is stifled by chaotic public discourse and wars of words in the media. Taiwan Public Television Service (PTS) has thus created the children’s news magazine program “PTS Youth News”, resolving to cultivate critical thinking among our youth. The program covers topics such as sexual equality, life education, transitional justice, affective education, and sex education. It is a children’s program that does not shy away from the exploration of important and difficult subjects.

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