Origin of the Greeks, Etruscans & Celts: Pelasgians & Indo-Europa

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"So, when Zeus arrived in a godlike manner, accompanied by thunder and lightning, he splendidly united with Semele. But Semele, being pregnant and unable to bear the magnitude of the situation, miscarried the child and perished from the fire. Then Zeus took up the child, entrusted him to Hermes, and ordered him to carry it to the cave on Mount Nysa, located between Phoenicia and the Nile. He instructed the nymphs to raise the child with great care and to provide the best nurture.

Thus, Dionysus was raised on Nysa and received his name from Zeus and Nysa. Homer also bears witness to this in his hymns, where he says:

'There is a certain Nysa, the highest mountain, blooming with forest, far from Phoenicia, near the streams of Egypt.'

They say that, raised by the nymphs on Nysa, he became the discoverer of wine and taught humanity the cultivation of the vine. As he traveled nearly the entire inhabited world, he civilized many lands, and for this reason he won the highest honors from all."

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