I Built The Rarest Guitar Pedal | Klon Centaur

Описание к видео I Built The Rarest Guitar Pedal | Klon Centaur

Fancy redeeming my sins? 

You can make your own Ghost Drive Pedal by going to the link below and grabbing your kit! Please don’t do what I did. You live and you learn… It was actually a lot of fun, the kit is great. Just be aware of the fact that some components aren't the correct colours (this is just the nature of getting hold of electronics, they aren't always the exact colour) but the writing on them is all good so make sure you check that!

Also read the instructions regarding what to plug in at the end. Just saying.

Link to pedal kit:


You can also find guitar lacquer/paint at StewMac:


Aaaaand if you want to build pedals and want to do a better job than me in terms of organisation, here’s the stuff you’d need:


Shout out to StewMac for not cancelling me.

See you soon!


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