Food Safety in Agroforestry Systems | Regenerative Poultry with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín

Описание к видео Food Safety in Agroforestry Systems | Regenerative Poultry with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín

Chickens belong in the forest. As the descendants of wild jungle fowl, chickens are a perfect fit for silvopasture systems. But food safety requirements for farmers grazing livestock in their orchards can be complicated. Hear from Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquín how he manages risks and successfully grazes chickens in his agroforestry system. Regi has been working with a team for over a decade to develop a scale-able poultry system based on agroforestry principles. In this video he shares the potential for large scale reform of a broken poultry industry with the help of tree crops.

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