SPSC syllabus for New Jobs || Audit Officer

Описание к видео SPSC syllabus for New Jobs || Audit Officer

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These are the Links of SEVEN (07) Demo Lectures of different Subjects for the Preparation of Subject Specialists/ Lecturers BPS-17.

1. English (   • Pori Video Dekhen if you are preparin...  )

2. Urdu (   • Classes for SS/Lecturer Urdu (BPS-17)  )

3. Islamiat (   • SPSC MCQs solved || Subject Specialis...  )

4. Chemistry (   • Preparation for Subject Specialists /...  )

5-Mathematics (    • Best Preparation for Subject Speciali...  )

6-Physics (   • Preparation for Subject Specialist Le...  )

7-Zoology (    • Preparation for Subject Specialists/ ...  )

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