阿津實況恐怖遊戲 - 沉默之丘 歸鄉 Silent Hill 5 Homecoming - (1) 從最恐怖的地方開始

Описание к видео 阿津實況恐怖遊戲 - 沉默之丘 歸鄉 Silent Hill 5 Homecoming - (1) 從最恐怖的地方開始


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玩家將扮演歸國青年軍人艾力克斯‧薛普(Alex Shepherd),為了探尋弟弟約書亞(Joshua)的下落,而逐步闖入未知的恐懼空間。

影片清單    • 阿津實況 - 沉默之丘 歸鄉 Silent Hill 5 Homecoming  

At the start of the game, the player controls Alex through a nightmare concerning his younger brother, Josh, before Alex wakes up in the cab of a truck driven by Travis Grady, the protagonist from Silent Hill: Origins, who gives him a ride to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen.[10][15] The town, named for a distant ancestor who helped found it,[16] is covered in fog and deserted. At home, he finds his mother in a catatonic state, murmuring about his father leaving to find Josh;[10][17] promising to find Josh, Alex leaves.


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