Evaluating the Basic Gaits

Описание к видео Evaluating the Basic Gaits

Before we start looking at the details of a specific horse’s way of moving, we need to take a look at the basic gaits - walk, trot, and canter. In order to be able to evaluate the basic gaits, one must know what they normally look like – in general, but also in the individual horse. Every gait in every horse looks a bit different due to the respective breed, conformation, age, training level, and many other reasons.

The first thing to do is to look at how the horse moves naturally without trying to manipulate the gait. This way you get to know its unique way of moving and you get a feel for the special challenges of this individual horse. This short introduction into the evaluation of the basic gaits will help you.

Read more: www.lungeing.com
Babette Teschen
A Course in Lungeing


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