Talking with Style Icons | Liverano & Liverano

Описание к видео Talking with Style Icons | Liverano & Liverano

Liverano & Liverano is a thundering name in the tailoring menswear world. Revered as one the last masters in Florentine tailoring school, Liverano has a strong personal style, which attracts sartorial enthusiasts around the globe.

Liverano & Liverano 的名號在定制男裝界可謂如雷灌頂。被尊崇為佛羅倫斯裁剪流派中最後的大師之一,Liverano先生強烈的個人風格吸引了來自世界各地的擁躉。

In our conversation, Antonio shared with me his ideas about bespoke tailoring, his source of inspiration, and he offered pieces of advice for the younger generation who are interested in bespoke. I hope you enjoy the interview.

在我們的談話中,Antonio 分享了他對於定制西裝的看法,他靈感的來源,以及他對於有興趣嘗試定制西裝的年輕人的建議。我衷心希望你會喜歡這次訪談。

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