What is "Support" in Singing? Why vocal "Support" is NOT a one word answer.

Описание к видео What is "Support" in Singing? Why vocal "Support" is NOT a one word answer.

On todays episode I'm interviewing my friend and respected colleague: Aramat Arnheim-Sharon
Today's discussion is dedicated to the topic of:
“What is "Support" in Singing? Why vocal "Support" is NOT a one word answer."

Join me, Philippe Hall, as I interview singers, vocal coaches, educators, singing teachers and creative innovators producing content, services and products for singers and voice professionals.

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00:00 Welcome to World Voice Day with Philippe and Aramat

01:03 A Deep Dive into Vocology with Aramat Arnheim Sharon

05:22 Exploring the Mysteries of Vocal Support and Resonance

07:16 The Science and Perception of Vocal Support

14:20 Understanding Air Pressure and Vocal Fold Dynamics

17:09 The Role of the Diaphragm in Singing

23:30 Navigating the Complexities of Vocal Sensation and Perception

25:37 Exploring Vocal Techniques: The Glottal Stop

26:46 Understanding Vocal Fold Dynamics

27:43 Mastering Superglottal Pressure

28:37 The Magic of Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises

31:07 The Role of Resonance in Vocal Color and Support

33:18 Demystifying Vocal Support

38:54 Practical Exercises for Vocal Mastery

51:04 Concluding Remarks and Next Steps

About Aramat
Aramat Arnheim-Sharon is a highly respected international voice coach. She is has presented at voice education events worldwide. Graduating from the Vocology Institute in 2015 she was one of the first PAVA Recognized Vocologists in the world. Certified at the highest levels in multiple vocal methodologies such as - Speech Level Singing, Institute for Vocal Advancement & Estill technique - she continues to collaborate with leading educators & researchers from around the world. She served as the director of education for the presitigious internations voice teachers association: Vocology in practice between 2016-2020. These are only a few highlights from her impressive list of qualifications. Learn more about Aramat at https://www.aramat.co.il Visit her YouTube Channel    / @aramatstudio   or connect with her on IG @aramat_vocalstudio

For listeners and viewers of the Voice ViBE Aramat has created this form to get on the "first-to-know" list for the release of her upcoming book and course. Voice ViBE audience will receive an exclusive discount. All you have to do is be on the list.

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