Valente Solutions - Frutteto Biologico Casa delle Rose, Sistema anti insetto MONOFILA

Описание к видео Valente Solutions - Frutteto Biologico Casa delle Rose, Sistema anti insetto MONOFILA

Prosegue la nostra video rubrica dedicata agli impianti più innovativi e particolari realizzati presso i nostri clienti ed alle soluzioni adottate per soddisfare le loro esigenze.
Oggi siamo a Belfiore, in provincia di Verona, presso la Società Agricola Biologica Casa delle Rose.

Our video project dedicated to the most innovative and particular systems built for our customers.
Today we are in Belfiore (VR) at the Casa delle Rose Organic Agricultural farm.
Recently, the majority of the company’s planting system was renewed and on that occasion, it was decided to install a white anti-insect net which, fixed at the top and completely closed at the bottom, would entirely cover the plants.
This system is commonly called MONOFILA (single row) and it use single rows to limit as much as possible the damage that insects, Carpocapsa and Asian bugs in particular, cause to plants with great difficulties for farmers.


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