1949: Reel 4: Ecuador : July 5-6. (1949) Watson Kintner

Описание к видео 1949: Reel 4: Ecuador : July 5-6. (1949) Watson Kintner

Boat on Guayas River in Guayaquil. Unloading boats, boathouses and rafts.
Washing feet on raft. [mws of man and raft]
Shore and river scene.
Unloading coconuts.
Family in canoe.
Market and general scenes around Guayaquil.
Street scenes.
"Push" transportation.
River scenes.
Hut on raft.
Sails on canoes. [ws]
Cooking on deck.
Wheel of fortune, [cu of men and wheel]
Scenes in Guayaquil.
River views from high point. [8:30-perf. ]
Cacao on sidewalk being turned over by feet.[ws of men stomping the beans]
Raking cacao beans for drying.
More cacao.
Red seeds.
City from high point.

Producer: Watson Kintner
Audio/Visual: silent, color
Keywords: Ecuador; Guayas River; Guayaquil


This film and all of the films in the Penn Museum collection are copyrighted by the Penn Museum, and are not in the public domain.


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