How to Make a Man Miss You - 7 Powerful Tips That Always Work!

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Do you feel as if your man has drifted away from you? Are you concerned that he isn't calling or texting you as much as he used to, or that he isn't making plans to see you like he used to? Do you want him to miss you and think about you more? If so, These steps will definitely catch his attention and MAKE him yearn for and miss you, and it all begins with #1.
See, When you notice that your man isn’t calling, texting, or making plans as much as he used to, it’s natural to become worried and concerned about why he’s changed. And that makes you pay extra attention to everything he’s doing and you eventually bring it up and talk to him about it and ask him what’s wrong…
And maybe he tells you everything is ok, or he says he’s just very busy, and tells you that you are too sensitive.. and to stop worrying about it..  or maybe he flat out denies it. 
But, If you’re like most people, you can’t just forget about it.  Instead, you start paying extra attention to everything he does looking for more confirmation of the way you’re feeling. 
And without a doubt, you find example after example of how things have changed… and it makes you feel worse.. and even more insecure. Then you bring it up again because you're worried and want things to be the same as they were before.

However, this only makes matters worse. And, despite all of the discussions, nothing changes... in fact, things may get worse. Then, if you keep complaining, it has the opposite effect. Things are only getting more difficult between you... it's as if he begins to see you as insecure and constantly complaining and nagging him. 
So, step one is that you must not bring this topic up again.. at least not yet… I know it’s not easy to do, but if you continue to bring it up, you could sabotage your chances of turning things around. Instead, after you do these steps, he’s going to be the one missing you.. and he will bring it up.  So, regardless of how you’re feeling, you must not bring it up or let him know that you are upset, or sad, or worried.  Instead, you focus one step 2.

I’m Dr Antonio Borrello, and I’m a psychologist and relationship coach. This channel is all about helping you build great relationships so you can grow happy with the people you love. So, if you’re interested in dating advice and relationship advice that is focused on making your love life the best part of your life, start now by subscribing. And Join our conversation on social media.

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Are you interested in dating advice for women or advice on relationship problems? If so, you have found the dating coach for you. This channel is all about love tips, relationships and love, relationship problems and signs he likes you. Essentially, this channel is focused on love advice and helping you understand what men want.

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