FFXIV UWU - 6.5 Aether PF - DRK MT PoV

Описание к видео FFXIV UWU - 6.5 Aether PF - DRK MT PoV

I do this fight too much.

We skipped Titan's final mechanic so you can watch how I dodge it here:

   • FFXIV UWU - Titan Full Phase Uptime  

General AoE Tips:

Play safe with the Garuda plumes / Ifrit nails and watch their health bars closely. The amount of AoE abilities you will safely be able to use will vary a lot in PF, so you have to adjust to your group's damage. Using your pot at the start of Ifrit will generally be safer and more consistent.

Crit RNG and just playing your job well will always have much more of an impact than any AoE padding. Respect your group's time.

Gear: iLvL 500+

Any GCD speed between 2.40 - 2.42 will align properly with bosses jumping away. Relic weapons will make attaining this skill speed much easier.

Strats: https://ultistrats.com/guides/uwu/


00:00 Garuda
02:15 Ifrit
04:04 Titan
06:12 Lahabread
07:47 Ultima
08:12 Predation
09:32 Annihilation
10:30 Suppression
11:19 Primal Roulette


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