Hat Yai Flood Update Saturday 30 November 2024

Описание к видео Hat Yai Flood Update Saturday 30 November 2024

Video Description

Hopefully, this will be my last weather update (unless there are any dramatic changes with the weather in the last few days). I had a little drive around Hat Yai today, and most areas are fine. The exception is those people living adjacent to canals, such as my wife's sister. Some of the large canals have overflowed and have affected to areas nearby. The rain appears to have stopped, the sky is looking brighter, and I think we have seen the worst of the huge storm that just passed.

The rainy season continues through December, so we're not out of the woods yet. However, if only 'normal' rain falls, there shouldn't be any problems. What has happened during the last week was exceptional, not normal.

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