IT band syndrome strengthening exercises (FIX IT FOR GOOD)

Описание к видео IT band syndrome strengthening exercises (FIX IT FOR GOOD)

We demonstrate it band syndrome strengthening exercises in this video and discuss how strengthening can be the solution. For years people with IT Band syndrome have been treated for years with stretching, massage and soft tissue techniques which really don't influence the length or how it functions.

00.00 Our approach to treatment of the ITband Syndrome
0:32 Who get this condition?
2:07 Anatomy of region
3:09 How do I know I have this condition
3:58 Differential Diagnosis- What other conditions can this be
5:14 Common Myths and Treatment Approach of ITBand Syndrome
6:34 Top Strengthening Exercises for ITBand Syndrome
7:59 Straight Leg Raise Hip Abductor in Sidelying
9:19 Pelvic Bridge Unilateral and Bilateral
10:35 Clam Exercise in Sidelying

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Who gets this condition?

This conditions is more common in runners, cyclists, hikers or anyone that does repetitive knee flexion movements for their activity.
It appears to affect athletes more than non-athletes. This can occur for patients in labor related fields like carpenters, roofers that require
Repetitive squatting and climbing ladders. Typically not a result of a trauma but more
of common during a repetitive activity especially one that is relatively new or a large increase in activity duration, intensity or frequency.


The ITband is a dense fibrous tissue that extends from the hip and extends to the patella and tibia. It starts at the hip region with attachments at the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and tensor fascia latae. It provides a passive support of the lateral structures of the knee in conjunction with the lateral collateral ligament and capsular support of the tibiofemoral joint. The actions that the ITband contributes to is to flex, extend, abduct,
and laterally and medially rotate the hip.

How do I know I have a ITband problem?

Often patients relate a lateral joint pain that can cause "snapping" , stabbing and stinging that will occurs around 30-40 degrees of knee flexion. May experience swelling at distal attachments of the ITband at the lateral femoral condyle region.

What other conditions it may be?

This can be confused with a lateral meniscal tear, osteoarthritis of knee and hip, instability at the proximal tibiofibular joint, lumbar radiculopathy, patellofemoral syndrome, and hip dysfunction.

Common myths about Itband

Over the years many people have focused on stretching, massaging and foam rolling the ITband which is been central focus in treating this condition approaches to relieve discomfort. The research shows that the ability to directly stretch the ITband is near impossible through self stretching or foam rolling due the density of these tissues that make up the ITband. However, focusing on stretching of the muscular attachments of the ITband in the hip region of the gluteal maximus, glutues medius and tensor fascia latae and the calf musculature can be done which can aid in improving your condition.

How to treat this condition?

-Using foam rolling, massage and stretching the proximal hip musculature.
-Modify workouts until symptoms are under control adjust for volume, intensity, and frequency
-Check footwear for proper fit
-Begin strengthening of hip and trunk musculature
-Stretch the calf musculature

Primary exercises for IT band Syndrome

Straight leg raises in side lying
Standing Leg Raise with band
Pelvic Bridges
Side Plank
Clam Exercises

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