Smith Wigglesworth mentioned the following incident in his sermon: This angel of light (Satan) spoke as God to a specific person. That man continued to do as Satan instructed, believing it was God. Then, one day, Satan asked the man to sell all of his belongings. As Satan ordered, he sold all of his land, house, and belongings and went to another country. But it is only when he is standing in the street like a beggar in a foreign country that he learns that Satan has spoken to him and deceived him. Satan may work so that you do not learn this truth, but you listen thoroughly and carefully. Then we will not be deceived by Satan. He can work on our mental likes and dislikes. We must know this kind of truth. Many times, the devil acts to be good when he comes to the children of God. When Satan gives a dream, speaks with a voice, or, in some way, like God speaks or reveals, he will do it in a way that will benefit you many times over. The reason is that you must truly believe that the demon speaking or manifesting to you is God. In this sermon, we will look at Satan's trickery disguised as an angel of light, as well as how to detect and overcome him. Also, I will additionally address the signals that will help you find him.
He will condemn you and reveal your faults and sins. This is not to make you acceptable to God, but to make you believe that he is absolutely God and make you fall into the pit.
In John 10/10, the Lord says:
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
We read in II Corinthians 11/14
And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
This devil dressed as an angel of light appears to be assisting you in spiritual growth; he says, "Pray more, read more of the Bible, do this, and don't do that in this way, and do it in this manner; all to make you believe, not to grow spiritually." Why didn't you do this ministry? Fast, trust that I will use you, and so on. When we see this devil through his revelations without seeing him in the eye, we can be sure that it is God who is speaking to us. This is why the devil still does some good.
After a few days of being convinced, the Devil would talk to us and say, Don't preach there; they're hardhearted.
That family has a hard heart. That individual has a hard heart. He will weaken your ministry by stating in dreams or visions that Sir is hard-hearted. When he inquired why you didn't go to the ministry at first, you assumed the thief was God; now, since he has damaged the ministry, you must believe God Himself has spoken. You, too, will end that ministry.
Every night, unclean spirits masked as angels of light offer millions of Christian dreams that are similar to those of God. So, every night, these unclean spirits mislead Christians. Christians' delight in the morning is unbounded and sometimes sad.
God's children pray many days with faith; God answers. "When God answers prayer, this angel of light gives the dream." When a dream is given, it is fulfilled, not because the dream was given, but by praying. It happens because God answers prayer. When the thief does this many times, it looks like God gives dreams. When God's people believe, God is giving them dreams. Alas, then this thief does his thievery, misleading, etc.
For example, a parent prays constantly to find a good life partner for their son; God commands a specific bride as a life partner. No matter where the bride is, it will happen as God ordered. Knowing this, the devil reveals it to the parents or anyone else connected with them. The devil tells or reveals with the name of the bride or with some other sign, through dreams, visions, prophecies, or vocalizations. This is how the angel of light is convincing God's people. Then he deceives or misleads by falsely giving a dream or any other manifestation. He is not omniscient like God. But he is wiser than Daniel. He is not as big as you should fear. But you mustn't forget that he is a thief. If you do not know the truth, he will deceive you. If you don't know the truth, he will steal your blessings. If you are not right with God, if you don't realize the truth, He can make you move, deceive you, and destroy you.
I, too, have once been deceived by this angel of light. At that time, I was not deeply aware of Satan working in the guise of an angel of light. The suffering then was immeasurable. I have heard Satan's voice many times. He has shown me many visions while I am praying and even speaking in tongues. Some days I was even prophesied by Satan. Like most Christians, I first became deceived by Satan through a dream. That was my start for many months. He gave me dreams almost every day. Then, after seriously starting to do what he says, there is tremendous growth in it. Because I have been faithful to God for many years, I thought that God was revealing and speaking to me, and I was wrong.
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