Lexington Steele Gives Advice to Women Afraid to Try "Big" Men

Описание к видео Lexington Steele Gives Advice to Women Afraid to Try "Big" Men

http://www.vladtv.com - Lube and time is all you need to handle porn veteran Lexington Steele, he tells VladTV. Steele - who has had relations with over 5,000 women - says that though most women are hesitant at first, "the courage factor takes over," resulting in some of his most popular scenes to date.

"'Oh wow I've never seen something like that in person, I've only heard about it'," mocks Lexington Steele, who says the "courage factor" then makes women go "Well, I think I can do it." He also gives some advice to the lovers of the world who are afraid of partaking in sexual relations with well-endowed men.

"Don't be intimidated by the size, because you gotta be prepared and remember that 'he who is in command of the ship will make its direction'," he adds with a laugh.

Watch the full clip as he addresses adult actress Stacie Lane saying she would never date a man of his size, and why women's reservations make his off-screen sex life differ greatly from his on-camera one in this VladTV exclusive.


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