REVIEW: Aspire Triton

Описание к видео REVIEW: Aspire Triton

It's been a few weeks, but we're back with a look at the brand new Aspire Triton sub ohm tank. It's a well know fact that here at Islander we're in love with the Aspire Atlantis range of tanks, so will this new offering up the game to a whole new level? Or would the £30 have been better spent on another Atlantis V2? There's only one way to find out…

UPDATE As of the upload I've noticed a few really small (and easily avoided) leak issues with this tank - essentially, try not to get juice all over the top-filling deck like I did… residue will leak from the top air slots. Also, try to keep it vertical if you can - or don't leave it horizontal too long - I don't trust the seal on the top-filling spinner section for long periods. And lastly, don't fill it over three-quarters (pretty standard I know…) This is still a great tank, and hopefully a tweaked V2 will sort these little issues out.

A big thanks to the guys at for shipping this out to me practically next-day - really impressed with that delivery time! And 10ml of free 0-nic "Ripple" juice… looking forward to checking that out! Head on over and check NuSmoke out!

Don't forget to hit the "like" button to put a smile on my face, and speaking of my face, if you want to see it on a regular basis just hit "Subscribe"! Lastly, any comments, feel free to leave them - I'm more than happy to give you guys any extra info.

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Happy Vaping!


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