Mother 3: All Enemy Battle Sound Effects

Описание к видео Mother 3: All Enemy Battle Sound Effects

Some things of note regarding these:
No, the Eerie Smile and Ultimate Chimera don't actually have their own battle sounds. I just thought it'd be cool to put their sprites for the slides for those battle sounds, which go unused.

Recon Mech, Return of Octobot, Walking Bushie, Squawking Boomstick, Short Circuit Zap, Navy SQUEAL, Security Robot, and both Power Robots all require Brainshock to be used on them to hear their battle sound.

Frightbot, Alkaline Man, Frosted Bun, Nice Poser, Big Bro, and the Barrier Trio all require hacking to hear their battle sounds. All of them except Alkaline Man don't use attacks with battle sounds and you can't normally Brainshock them to make them use an attack that does. And Alkaline Man can't even move on its own at all.

Zombieshroom requires health hacks to hear its battle sound in non-hallucinogenic form. It's programmed to always start the fight with the mold spores attack which wipes your party, and you can't re-fight it after the mushroom trip is over.

Battle sound 47 is likely either an early version of battle sound 40, or if the battle sounds are in order of being added to the game, a "better" version of battle sound 40 that went unused because the staff liked the original more.

The final boss uses sound effects 289, 290, and 291 in memory for its battle sound.


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