Learn Your Bass Fretboard Notes (Easy Starter Method)

Описание к видео Learn Your Bass Fretboard Notes (Easy Starter Method)

👉 My full beginner bass course: https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/moneynotes

Learning your bass fretboard notes doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In 20 minutes, you’ll know all the notes you need to make $$$.

Are you struggling to find the notes on your fretboard? It's probably because you're trying to learn too much at once.

That’s why in this video we’re focusing on “The Money Notes” - the most commonly played notes on the neck. (that actually get us bass players paid :P)

I’ll take you through 4 steps to get you from zero neck knowledge to having a handle on enough bass fretboard notes to survive a jam session.

In Step 1 we start at the beginning with the musical alphabet. I’ll walk you through the basics in detail, including how sharps and flats work, and the two spots to watch out for in the alphabet that often trip beginners up.

Yes, it’s music theory, but it’s not that scary, I promise. And you REALLY need to know this stuff - even pro musicians who “don’t know theory” use the musical alphabet to communicate.

Step 2 is where we start applying the musical alphabet to the bass fretboard. You can’t find anything if you don’t know your open strings, so I talk you through standard bass tuning and my favorite (silly) mnemonic device for remembering the string names.

Steps 3 and 4 get really juicy - we get started with memorizing the Money Notes, which means being able to quickly find any of the notes in the musical alphabet on your bass when someone calls them out to you at a jam.

Then we’ll put it all together and get ready to jam with a guitar player. You get to use your new neck knowledge to find the notes that I call out to you in our jam session.

Did this lesson help you learn your bass fretboard notes? Let me help you out some more - click here to subscribe: https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/subscribe

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