RAMA Festival 2023 Aarhus

Описание к видео RAMA Festival 2023 Aarhus

Impressions from RAMA Festival 2023 in Aarhus – planned and performed by RAMA students.
Thanks once again to the many students who gave a large audience a huge and atmospheric experience at the RAMA Festival in Musikhuset Aarhus on 15 April. Thanks also to Alex Mørch for capturing the atmosphere of this event so nicely, where genre boundaries give way to the shared experience of music that is just... good!
Endnu en gang tak til de mange studerende, der gav et stort publikum en kæmpe og stemningsfuld oplevelse ved RAMA Festival i Musikhuset Aarhus d. 15. april. Og tak til Alex Mørch for så fint at have indfanget stemningen ved denne begivenhed, hvor fag- og genregrænser viger for den fælles oplevelse af musik, der bare er … god!


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