Girl Behind the Mask || Spoken Word

Описание к видео Girl Behind the Mask || Spoken Word

A little bit on the sad side, but, anxiety and depression is an important thing, it matters. You can donate to a mental health charity here:


The Girl Behind The Mask

The Girl Behind the Mask doesn't understand that beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, and it doesn't matter how many times that I've told her, she still relies on the opinions of people of who don’t realise, that what they see as shy is in fact the feeling of lonely, they feeling of whatever she does is not quite good enough, the feeling of constantly disappointing the people closest who only want to see her happy. But instead they have to watch the deterioration and can do nothing, can do nothing but hope and pray that one day the Girl Behind the Mask can finally say, with content and honesty to herself… I’m happy. I can put these feelings of no self-worth on the shelf and live on and build up my life and repair myself from the past, and can finally say to myself that at last, I’ve done it. I’ve beaten the demons inside my soul, the demons who did nothing but make my thoughts and my life cold. The ones who made me contemplate my life, my confidence, my existence and my future, made me feel hurt that can’t be fixed with a surgical suture. The ones who made me panic when I even left my room as if the world was out to get me as if one day soon my day will come. When I can’t take anymore, the burden of depression has left me too sore, there’s no other option, no other way, it’s time… time to give my life away. The Girl Behind the Mask doesn’t see, that her strength shines so much brighter, you see, the Girl Behind the Mask doesn’t know what she’s capable of, it’s as if she’s blind to how happy she makes everyone, puts a smile on the face of a person feeling down, she’s blind to the fact that she can turn a sad day around, and make people smile from ear to ear, but when she takes off the mask she’s filled with nothing but fear, fear of what the next day is going to be for her, as if she’s waiting for her sentence and there’s nothing but rumours being spread about her. The Girl Behind the Mask’s the definition of beauty, the meaning of strength, she needs to know that it’s the duty, of everyone who cares to help in the fight, to make her realise that her life is her life, to understand that there’s nothing to be afraid of, she has family and friends that will show depression what they’re made of. The Girl Behind the Mask needs to lift her head up and open her eyes and realise that she’ll never be alone and as much as she may feel it, the pain she’s feeling now… happiness will heal it. So be strong and proud of the person you are, because with strength and power the end of these feelings isn’t far. And you can smile, sing, dance around and live the life you’ve been deprived of, the life you haven’t felt, the live you’ve lived contemplating an overdose or a belt. The life you’ve lived where eating is made a living hell, the life you’ve lived where everything goes wrong, but I promise that one day you can sing the song of courage and bravery, and you’ll be free from the emotional pain of mental anxiety. Stand with me now, Girl Behind the Mask, listen to these words, to yourself you must ask, why am I letting this take over and look in the mirror and witness your beauty, and as hard as it seems you need to smile, it’s your duty. And then see your pain as an emotional journey, a bumpy ride but as long as it seems, remember that certainly, there’ll be a destination waiting for you where you can be happy at last, but please be strong, Girl Behind the Mask.


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