How to get and use The Hydronaut Fish ! | Once Human Guideline 📖

Описание к видео How to get and use The Hydronaut Fish ! | Once Human Guideline 📖

Hello There !
Welcome to Once Human Guideline Series. This Series of tutorials or Guides, all around how to, will teach you all i know about this game and its secrets in separated episodes, in which you can choose which topic interests you the most !
Keep in mind, i'm still learing, but most of all I'm still human so mistakes will happen. If you know about something I've missed or was wrong about some things, please right them down in civil manner in the comments section. Thank you :)

Today we are going over The Hydrount Fish Deviations, how to get it, how to find it, how to farm it and everything in between.

Deviation Trait and Shiny list :

Pokemon TCG TikTok :   / maximumland_official  

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Have a nice Day and Remember Loot First and Questions Later!

0:00 Intro
0:15 How to Farm it
0:30 New EX1 Silo Playthrough
1:48 The Hydronaut Fish Info
2:05 Boost Bugs
2:29 Shiny Variants
2:43 Tier
3:01 Outro

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