Inclusive Transport Vision for Bristol

Описание к видео Inclusive Transport Vision for Bristol

A new, inclusive vision for transport in Bristol has been co-created by people from communities across the city as part of Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership’s Community Climate Action Project.

In this vision, public transport is accessible, affordable and joined up with other transport options such as electric scooters and bikes. Everyone can walk and wheel easily and safely around the city. Those who have to drive can do so in a way that is better for them and the planet. Mobility equipment is on offer and public toilets are easily available. Community owned electric car clubs are popping up on the edges of the city. Deliveries are better coordinated, and food shops, doctors and schools are close to where people live, so cars are needed less.

This transport vision for Bristol is based on the desires and priorities identified by residents from Hartcliffe and Withywood, Easton and Lawrence Hill, Lawrence Weston, Lockleaze, as well as Bristol’s communities of Disabled people and refugees. Their ideas have been compiled by Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership and Praxis Research. While the six communities are not representative of all parts of Bristol, their views bring in important perspectives that are not usually heard in city transport decision-making.

Read more about Bristol Climate & Nature Partnership

Read more about the Community Climate Action Project

With thanks to Rumpus Animation
Design: Marta Dias
Animation: Luke Hyde and Marta Dias
Compositor: Jack Churchill
Sound Design: Patrick Henchman
Voiceover: Maria Perrett
Creative Director: Joe Wood
Creative Producer: Stef Bowskill


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