Duplicate Google Sheets Tabs into other Spreadsheets with Apps Script

Описание к видео Duplicate Google Sheets Tabs into other Spreadsheets with Apps Script

In the previous tutorial, we covered how to copy sheet tabs within the same spreadsheet with Google Apps Script.
In this tutorial, we will duplicate our tabs into other sheets. Check out the contents:

00:00 Intro setup
01:22 Copy tab to new Google Sheet
10:35 Copy tab to existing Google Sheet
13:17 Copy All tabs to existing Google Sheet
16:03 Copy Selected tabs to existing Google Sheet
18:59 Copy Except certain tabs to existing Google Sheet

We will cover some sneaky tricks to improve your processing speed when running this script too.

Initial Starter Sheet:

Destination Starter Sheet:

The Playlist:    • Copy Spreadsheets, Sheet Tabs and Ran...  

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