Tour to explore mount Batur with jeep

Описание к видео Tour to explore mount Batur with jeep

Black Lava Jeep Tour adalah pengalaman menaiki jeep terbuka  4WD di pagi ataupun di sore hari menuju Black Lava Gunung Batur dengan seorang sopir Jeep berpengalaman.

Black Lava berada di kaki Gunung Batur Bali yang membentang luas disebelah barat gunung batur.
Kita bisa bersua photo diatas bebatuan hitam bekas Lava pijar letusan gunung batur di Bali.
Black Lava Jeep Tour was an experience of riding the open jeep 4WD in the morning or in the afternoon to head of Black Lava Mount Batur with an experienced Jeep driver.

Black Lava is on the feet of Mount Batur Bali which stretched widely next to the west of the batur.
We can meet a photo on the black rocks used Lava black Lava eruption in Bali.


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