I Married the Wrong Person and Don't Know What To Do - Muslim Marriage

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I Married the Wrong Person and don't know what to do

Using throwaway as family/friends know my main account.

I'm female from Canada who got married recently within the last few months, prior to my marriage I was speaking to multiple potentials and narrowed it down to Potential A and B who I was speaking to both for multiple months at the same time.

Both potentials had good deen, were educated, were respectful, both handsome, had good jobs that could support me.

Potential A I felt a lot more compatible with, talking with him was really easy, our conversations flowed smoothly, our hobbies/likes/dislikes were pretty similar, he was always respectful and wanted my opinion on a lot of things and made me feel like an equal, he always made time for me and made an effort to know me. Potential A lived in the USA which was the only real downside.

Potential B the conversations felt less natural and more awkward and forced and we had a lot of differences in terms of what we like to do on our free time (I like traveling, going outside, hes more of an indoor person who likes to play video games/watch movies), he wasn't rude or anything just felt a bit boring and less compatible, and hes a lot more career focused so there were times he couldn't talk with me because he was busy with work/tired from work. The differences I am mentioning are in no way red flags or huge deal breakers, I understand everyone has different likes/dislikes. Potential B was from Canada.

I wanted to marry Potential A but my family convinced me that Potential B was better because he lived in Canada so we wouldn't have to worry about visa issues, or me moving countries as with Covid still going on they were worried I wouldn't be able to visit them because borders could close. Potential B was only 2 hour drive from my parents house and Potential A would require a flight to visit my parents.

So my parents told Potential A's parents that we wanted me to marry someone who was Canadian, potential A was upset/heartbroken and he sent me a final text saying hes sad that I sort of strung him along because I knew from the start he was from the USA and I'd have to move there but he understands that moving countries is a big decision and my mind could of changed and that he wishes me good luck in the search (he was unaware I was speaking to potential B during this time), I didn't know how to respond so I just ghosted him because I felt guilty for wasting his time.

Fast forward and 2 months after ending it with Potential A I got married to Potential B. Now living together has made these compatibility issues that I didn't think were a big deal initially a lot more noticeable, like on weekends I want to go on date nights but he wants to stay inside and order food and just watch a movie. And our conversations are still kind of mundane/boring, lately I've been thinking of potential A a lot and wondering what hes up to and wish I could go back in time and not let my parents convince me to marry potential B just for the sake of being in Canada and closer to them.

I added potential A on social media along time ago when we were talking and we never removed/deleted each other so I've been checking his social media to see what hes up to (he's still single to my knowledge) - I feel disgusting doing this because it feels like I'm sort of cheating on my husband (who is a good man, just not super compatible)

I don't know what to do anymore and I've been feeling super depressed, part of me is saying I need to tell potential B because he doesnt deserve this, but then part of me is scared that if I tell potential B he will want to divorce me and theres no guarentee that potential A still likes me or will want to marry me if I'm divorced because of the stigma that comes with it.

I just don't know what to do anymore, I feel like my life, my husbands life, and potential A's life was all thrown into chaos because of my parents.

Any advice?


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