Sinhala Slow Song Collection |💆‍♂️🥀| ඇස් පියන් අහන්න Manoparakata (Slowed + Reverb) - Playlist 15

Описание к видео Sinhala Slow Song Collection |💆‍♂️🥀| ඇස් පියන් අහන්න Manoparakata (Slowed + Reverb) - Playlist 15

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This version was not created for the purpose of making money or distorting it.
The main purpose is to bring the old songs that are lost from the new generation to the new generation as a different kind of creation.

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♪ chapters ♪
00:00 Mata Dunnu Wedana - මට දුන්නු වේදනා
04:25 Wenas Wennepa - වෙනස් වෙන්නෙපා
09:09 Deviyantath - දෙවියන්ටත්
13:34 Kandulu Watunu - කදුළු වැටුනු
17:38 Dawasaka Ma - දවසක මා
21:28 Ahanna Oya - අහන්න ඔයා
25:14 Adarei Kiyanna - ආදරෙයි කියන්න
30:08 Mage Heenaye - මගේ හීනයේ
34:29 Maduwithaka - මදුවිතක
38:55 Nawaththan Na - නවත්තන් නෑ
43:12 Oba Nathi Duka - ඔබ නැති දුක
47:30 Nuba Karana Chodana - නුබ කරන චෝදනා
51:54 Oba Danne Monawada - ඔබ දන්නේ මොනවාද
56:41 Lanwee Siti Kaale - ලංවීසිටි කාලේ
01:01:18 Ohoma Dala Yanna Epa - ඔහොම දාලා යන්න එපා
01:05:51 Senehase Nawathane - සෙනෙහසේ නවාතැනේ
01:09:52 Obamada Me - ඔබමද මේ
01:13:59 Waradune Matai Kiya - වැරදුනෙ මටයි කියා
01:18:59 Therum Ganne - තේරුම් ගන්නේ
01:23:36 Sthuthi - ස්තූතියි
01:28:13 Hitha Hada Ganna Ba - හිත හදාගන්න බෑ
01:32:29 Manik Kate - මැණික් කැටේ
01:36:21 Pamawuu Atheethe - පමාවූ අතීතේ
01:40:41 Roosa Mala - රෝස මල
01:45:38 Durin Hinda Ma - දුරින් හිද මා
01:49:52 Dethanaka Hitiyath - දෙතැනක හිටියත්
01:54:48 Saththai Raththarane - සත්තයි රත්තරනේ
01:58:43 Godak Adarei - ගොඩක් ආදරෙයි
02:03:12 Anthima Mohothedi - අන්තිම මොහොතේදී

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Keywords -
Mind Relaxing Song Collection,Best Sinhala Songs Collection,Boot Song,Sinhala Songs 2024,Kaveesha Kaviraj Song,Official Music Video Trailer,Official Lyrics Video,New Sinhala Rap_Song 2022,Special Awurudu Song 2024,Milinda Sandaruwan New Song,Heart Touching Song 2023,First Love Feeling,Feeling Music

Tags -
#manoparakata #mindrelaxing #aluthsindu #slowsinhalasong #slowedandreverb #trending #sinhalasong #oldsongslowed #newsong #mindrelaxingsong #hearttouching #clamsoup #clam #manthamawaruganne #BootSong #yukinawarathne #dhyanhewage #samithgomes #BhashiDevanga #Viramayak #RomanticSong #HeartTouchingSong #PahasaraSithaLaga #dawasakewi #piyathrajapakse #mihirawee #adanaahasatawela #breakupsong #SamadaManObe #officialLyricsSong #trandingshorts #LoveBreakupSong #lyrics #romanticlovemusic #chillsong #feelingfirstlove #tiktoktrending #kenuz #kovizz #kevinxvibe #skmusic_ #slowedandreverbsongcollection #rosa #whtsappstatus #AmathakaKarannaNam #hearttouchingsong #jodhaakbarthemesong #dukahithenasindu #topsrilankasong2023 #srilankapopmusic #hanthane #mayawee #sithaniwanasindu #sinhalamorningsong #sinhalacalmsong #2000sinhalasong #manoparakatasindu #costa #salli #matainnahithuna #8dsongcollection #nobalamadiha #numbaha #numbahaslowedreverb #slowedreverbnonstop #kailashini #noenaduraka #amatumak #reverb #slowed #himinouna #ridenahadawatha #pemsihine #marunuhithe #yanathanaka #bohokalak #adaretharam #dineshgamage #kanchi #amithguru #thisaraimbulana #ManabanduKaranawak #hithochcham #mawila #kinglotuss #dilubeats #udesharyan #sudeeradilshan #Sinhalarap #sinhalasongs #lassanasindu #dj #djsongremix #lovesongs #romanticsongs #lovesongs80s #bestlovesongs #lovesong80s90s #hindisongs #india #samithgomes #oldsong #dekopulkandulinthema #SandaMithuri #Diurala_Pawasanna #2024song #viralsong #2024newtrandingsongsinhala #Unmada_wu_Premadare #Wala_Theerayen_Eha #Ganadurata_Pem_Bandina #Himi_Nowna_Nethu_Andunu #Api_Dennage_Lowe #Pahasara_Sitha_Laga #Penena_Nopenena #Madahas_Palama #nonstopremixcollection #Uniquebeats #2024newsong #slowsong #bestsong #manoparakata #manoparakatasindu #infinity #SinhalaSong #manomusic #lassnasindu #bestsongcollection #slowedandreverb #playlist #sinhalasongcollection #Ahankara_Nagare #new #malakadakada #newplaylist #munindrayaneni #nilkatarolumalenupan #umandawa #SlowedandReverbSongssinhala #coversongs #asmr #lofi #lofimusic #bollywood #hindisong #bootsong #srimusic #hindi #gimhanayepawela #sallipokoru #sandunperera #Nelson #Anirudh #rajinikanth #amishaminol #denuwan #kanchana #nubeoyaasdakala #Lovesongs #mesansare #ayemathadaren #oyaasdekamathakwela #hithknathikenekwage #dawasakatherei #marunuhithe #srilanka ‪@skmusic_‬


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