Myanmar civil war: Exiled minister says rebel victory is close | DW News

Описание к видео Myanmar civil war: Exiled minister says rebel victory is close | DW News

China and Russia must end supplies of arms to Myanmar’s military junta - that’s the call from exiled foreign minister Zin Mar Aung as fighting continues in the country’s civil war. By current estimates, the junta now controls just 40% of the country, giving rebel forces hope that their dream of toppling the generals for good could be within reach. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Zin Mar Aung demanded that China, Russia and other countries stop providing arms to the junta - saying they were being used to “kill their own people.” Zin Mar Aung spoke to DW’s Richard Walker, setting out the democratic government’s hopes for Myanmar - and the frustrations it faces in keeping Myanmar on the global agenda. Other issues raised: online scam operations run from Myanmar, Chinese mafia involvement, the role of India in Myanmar, and what Myanmar needs from the West.


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