Rival Turf Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Описание к видео Rival Turf Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Game Info
Developer: Jaleco
Publisher: Jaleco
Year of Release: 1992

Game Review & Impressions
I went into Rival Turf with high expectations, although my hopes of it being any fun were dashed about a third of the way from the game's opening level.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to discover a game whose protagonists include some guy called "Oozie Nelson" probably wasn't going to be one of the all-time greats, but I was left thoroughly bored by the whole affair.

Rival Turf suffers from a chronic lack of variety. The plodding pace, identikit enemies, limited number of moves and drab stages make this one of the dullest beat 'em ups I've played in recent memory.

If you want a fun fighting game then avoid this nonsense and go play Batman Returns instead.

Information & Trivia

Video Notes

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