
Описание к видео 2024.4.14JCCA筑波クラシックカーレース!パドックの様子や予選と決勝の走行!スポーツ走行まで旧車の全開走行音をお楽しみください。


We upload videos taken at various automotive events. Beautiful women go well with beautiful and cool cars at car races, drifting, tuning car shows, manufacturers' fan appreciation days, motor shows, and auto salons. Even glamorous races are enlivened by beautiful women. We will develop a channel based on the theme of the beauty of cars and women, so it will not be a sexual expression, but rather a pursuit and expression of beauty. It will be a channel to learn artistry and aesthetic sense from cars and women.

#race#tuning car#customized car#Japanese modified cars


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