“Weekly” Battle Rally Run #14: Grass Upgrade, 10,300 Points - Pokémon Masters EX

Описание к видео “Weekly” Battle Rally Run #14: Grass Upgrade, 10,300 Points - Pokémon Masters EX

I think I might stop making this a weekly series, for now at least, since I’ve been so busy in my irl life the past couple weeks. I’ll probably only record Rally if I have the time too, so I don’t have to rush these out anymore. Idk why to change this series’s name to though, but I’ll get to that later. Until then, Enjoy!


0:00 Free Upgrade
Grass isn’t great, but it’s also not bad either. I only have one Grass type with EX Role unlocked, which was pretty rough. Luckily, the pattern I got worked with this upgrade well…for the most part.

0:13 Area 1: Strike/Tech (Fall 2023 BC Roark)
You know a Rally run is gonna be rough when the first stage is not only a Battle Challenge, but also has a x2 passive to counter your double boosts. This stage is pretty annoying, but luckily I got it Round 1, so it wasn’t too bad. Tech Victreebel’s Sleep was a big help for this too, since Blue would’ve probably went down very quickly without it!

1:57 The Seed
Aaaaaand, no double boost for SS Lyra. Cool. A bit of a strange pattern, but at least there’s enough unique role combos for me to get some good points.

2:05 Area 2: Strike/Support (Bede BC Hau)
This one of the easier Battle Challenges, so this wasn’t too much of a hassle. I brought Strike Sprigatito for possible Sp. Def debuffs from Energy Ball.

3:21 Area 3: Strike/Tech (CS Steel Glacia)
This combo shows up three times in this pattern, so I could space out my two double boosts for the other two stages. I saw this stage immediately and said “No thank you” and immediately went to Rose lol. I mainly brought Penny back for X Sp. Def All, and activated the upgrade with Gardenia to try and fix Rose’s gauge issues.

5:28 Area 4: Tech/Sprint (CS Dragon Drasna)
Rare Rally moment where Classic Elesa tanks during this double boost. SC Rosa hastened SS Wally’s debuffs and even provided some DPS that this duo normally lacks. SC Rosa is super underrated tbh.

7:44 Area 5: Strike/Support (CS Fire Blue)
Kinda funny I ran both Virizion users here. I mainly chose Morgan to tank for the team, and to max both Emma and Bianca’s stats (also an excuse to play the Battle Chatelaine theme too!)

9:28 Area 6: Strike/Field (CS Psychic Kahili)
MC girlies! I decided to use Akari first, since I felt NC Nate would be better for stronger stages, even though he’s still 1/5.

11:39 Area 7: Support/Sprint (CS Psychic Wallace)
By far the most difficult and annoying clear here. All because I could’ve get a good alternative upgrade too. I could’ve just taken the points loss and activated the upgrade, but this team has been through this several times, so I knew they could do it. I wanted to save NC Rosa in case I needed her for the last round, but it didn’t happened unfortunately.

15:23 Area 8: Strike/Tech (CS Ice Agatha)
If you ask me, I deserved to get Kanto CS stage after that last stage! (Truthfully, I’d have preferred a Lucky Area as compensation, but this want bad either lol).

17:27 Area 9: Field/Sprint (CS Fighting Molayne)
Hugh and NC Nate are such a fun duo to run together tbh. I saved Hugh specifically for this stage too, just to run them together. I also decided to use SS Lyra here so I could focus on using Head Charge with Hugh.

19:21 Area 10: Strike/Sprint (Lucy UB)
Argenta without upgrade boost or a solid tank didn’t sound like a fun time and generally sounded like a waste of time, so I just went to the Hard stage instead. Tbh, this was probably best case scenario all things considered. I got to use all three of my double boosts here, and didn’t need to buy another upgrade, which I probably would’ve done if I brought I Grass type to the Very Hard stage (which altogether would probably result in a similar score to what I ended up with).



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