Pajanimals | Let’s Play Together / Mountain of Messiness | Jim Henson Family Hub | Kids Cartoon

Описание к видео Pajanimals | Let’s Play Together / Mountain of Messiness | Jim Henson Family Hub | Kids Cartoon

Sweet Pea Sue and Apollo want to play a new game they learned at school called “Steps and Stairs.” Since it’s a big kid game, they say that Squacky and Cowbella can’t play, which hurts their feelings. / The Pajanimals have made a huge mess and while they are cleaning it up before bed, Cowbella has a great idea… what if they don’t clean it up?

Cast: Victor Yerrid as Squacky; Donna Kimball as Sweet Pea Sue, Bedtime Bunny; Michael Winsor as Apollo; Sarah Lyle as Cowbella
Director: Dez McCarthy

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