Vespers for the Feast of St. John the Baptist | The Green Mountain Project 2014

Описание к видео Vespers for the Feast of St. John the Baptist | The Green Mountain Project 2014

Recorded live on June 19, 2014
Church of St. Jean Baptiste, New York City
Cameras:Tom Durack, Michael McGuinnes
Video editing by Anthony Indelicato

0:00 - Prelude: Sonata a 8
Francesco Usper (c.1560–1641)

4:24 - Versicle: Deus in adjutorium meum intende
Response: Domine ad adiuvandum me festina
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani (1602–c.1676) (7:06)

7:06 - Psalm: Dixit Dominus II
Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643)

15:35 - Motet: Currite populi, psallite timpanis
soloist: Jason McStoots, tenor

20:12 - Psalm: Confitebor tibi Domine I

28:20 - Motet: Fuit homo missus a Deo
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c.1525–1594)

32:00 - Psalm: Beatus Vir I

40:44 - Canzon no. 24 a 8
Gioseffo Guami (1542–1611)

44:12 - Psalm: Laudate Pueri II, Monteverdi

51:54 - Motet: Psallite Domino
Giovanni Felice Sances (c.1600–1679)
soloists: Jolle Greenleaf and Molly Quinn, sopranos

55:51 - Psalm: Laudate Dominum I

1:00:30 - Motet: Vox Domini
Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1555–1612)
soloists: Molly Quinn, soprano; David McFerrin, baritone; Owen McIntosh, tenor;

1:06:42 - Hymn: Ut queant laxis, plainchant

1:09:22 - Canzon Septimi Toni

1:13:02 - Magnificat primo

Jolle Greenleaf, artistic director
Scott Metcalfe, music director

Jolle Greenleaf, soprano
Molly Quinn, soprano
Owen McIntosh, tenor
Jason McStoots, tenor
Aaron Sheehan, tenor
Lawrence Jones, tenor
David McFerrin, baritone
Jesse Blumberg, baritone
Mischa Bouvier, bass

Scott Metcalfe, violin
Ingrid Matthews, violin
Emily Walhout, bass violin
Kiri Tollaksen, cornetto
Alexandra Opsahl, cornetto
Greg Ingles, sackbut
Erik Schmalz, sackbut
Mack Ramsey, sackbut
Liza Malamut, sackbut
Hank Heijink, theorbo
Daniel Swenberg, theorbo
Jory Vinikour, organ


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